Legal Notices

  • Terms of use
  • copyright

Terms of Use

The present website, accessible at, is provided by Antoniou McCollum & Co. LLC (“we”, “us”). These are the terms and conditions on which we provide the text, software, database, format, documents, graphic and written work and all other materials published on this website (the “content”) and the basis on which we allow access to it.  These terms and conditions (“Terms of Use”), together with our Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice, comprise the “Legal Notices”. Access to and use of this website is provided subject to and in accordance with the Legal Notices and is therefore conditional on your acceptance of the Legal Notices.

Our rights under the Legal Notices may be waived only in writing and specifically. The Legal Notices shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Cyprus law and we and you each submit irrevocably to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Cypriot Courts in relation to any dispute arising out of the Legal Notices. 

This website is for your own private use.  By accessing this website, you agree:
– not to use this website or its content in contravention of any regulation or legislation;
– not to copy, amend, reproduce or distribute the content, or disclose the content to third parties, other than in compliance with our Copyright Notice
– not to advertise or sell any goods or services to other users of this website or to benefit commercially from its content; and
– that you are responsible for any material you send to or upload to this website and that such material is legal, is not offensive, and it does not infringe our rights, those of third parties or the provisions of the Legal Notices.

Intellectual Property Rights 

We and any third parties who have granted us permission to reproduce their material on this website, own all trade marks, copyright and all other intellectual property rights in the content on this website.  Our Copyright Notice forms part of the Legal Notices and therefore the terms on which we provide and allow access to this website.


Our Privacy Policy forms part of the Legal Notices and therefore the terms on which we provide and allow access to this website.

Limitations and Exclusions of our Liability

Our website and its contents are provided for general information purposes only and nothing on this website or in its contents is intended to provide legal or other professional advice.  We do not accept any responsibility for any loss which may arise from reliance on information or materials published on this website.  If you wish to find out more about the information in the materials published, please contact us by email at 

We are not responsible or liable for any matter relating to you or any third parties accessing or using this website and its contents. We do not endorse nor are we responsible for the contents of websites operated by others that link to this website or that are accessible from it.  Nothing in these Terms of Use or the Legal Notices excludes or limits our liability for fraud or for death or personal injury arising from our negligence or for any other matter in respect of which it would be unlawful or in breach of regulation to limit or exclude liability. 

Privacy Policy

Terms used in this policy (the “Privacy Policy”) have the meaning given to them under the Terms of Use. This Privacy Policy describes what we do with personal information we collect from you and the ways in which we may collect that information.

We may collect information from you through your use of our website. By using our website and by providing us with any personal information, you are consenting to the use of your personal information as set out in this Privacy Policy. Please do not use the website if you do not want your personal information to be used in this way.

Information collected through our website

Information collected through our website will be used to:
– provide and improve our services to you and to our clients including handling personal information of others on behalf of our clients.
– compile anonymous statistics, for example, website usage statistics.
– market our services.
– manage our relationship with you and our clients.
– fulfil our legal obligations.
– recruitment purposes.
– any other legitimate business purposes.

Protection of your information 

We do not sell, rent, distribute or otherwise make personal information commercially available to any third party, except as described in this policy or with your prior permission. Any information that you provide to us may be shared with and processed by another entity owned by or sharing common control with us and/or certain of our service providers. This may entail a transfer of your information from a location within the European Economic Area (the “EEA”) to outside the EEA, or from outside the EEA to a location within the EEA. The level of information protection in countries outside the EEA may be less than that offered within the EEA, however we have procedures in place to ensure the protection of your information. 


Cookies are small text files that are downloaded to your device by websites you visit. We use cookies on this website. These cookies help us improve our site by providing us with information about how users interact with our site such as the number of visitors to the site, the pages they visit and the length of time spent on the site. These cookies don't collect information that identifies a visitor. All the information that the cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous. You may change your browser settings to delete and block cookies. By continuing to use this site without changing your settings you consent to our use of cookies as described above.


With the exception of copyright belonging to third parties and unless otherwise stated, copyright in the pages of this website and all other material available through it belongs to Antoniou McCollum & Co. LLC and/or its affiliated undertakings.  Copyright in some documents and material available on this website belongs to third parties and has been produced on this website with the permission of the third party copyright owners.  Please check the copyright notices of those third parties.

You may print or save copies of the content of this website for your own personal use. Any reproduction, transmission and storing of all or part of this website and the materials available through it, in any medium, without the written permission of Antoniou McCollum & Co. LLC is prohibited.

We only permit electronic links to pages of this website from which the Legal Notices can be accessed. You may not provide an electronic link to any other page of this website or to any other documents hosted on this website without our consent. We reserve the right to request that you remove an electronic link to this website at any time and you agree to remove such a link immediately. Where access to restricted parts of this web site is subject to more specific terms, those terms apply instead. 

Antoniou McCollum & Co. LLC

Antoniou McCollum & Co. LLC is a lawyers’ limited company registered in the Republic of Cyprus with HE364314. It is a regulated law firm supervised by the Cyprus Bar Association with reg. no. 640.

The lawyers employed by Antoniou McCollum & Co. LLC are authorised and regulated by the Cyprus Bar Association, the Solicitors Regulation Authority and/or the Bar Standards Board, as applicable. A list of practitioners employed by Antoniou McCollum & Co. LLC is available at its registered office, at 4 Adamantiou Korai, 1016 Nicosia.

Without prejudice to anything in our Legal Notices or the terms under which we provide our services to our clients, our business operations are carried out from our main offices at the following address:

Antoniou McCollum & Co.  LLC
4 Adamantiou Korai
1016 Nicosia

+357 22 053 333

+357 22 053 330


© 2016-2024 Antoniou McCollum & Co. LLC. All rights reserved. Use of the website is subject to our Legal Notices.

Antoniou McCollum & Co. LLC is a lawyers’ limited company registered in the Republic of Cyprus with HE364314. It is a regulated law firm supervised by the Cyprus Bar Association with reg. no. 640. The lawyers employed by Antoniou McCollum & Co. LLC are authorised and regulated by the Cyprus Bar Association, the Solicitors Regulation Authority and/or the Bar Standards Board, as applicable. A list of practitioners employed by Antoniou McCollum & Co. LLC is available at its registered office, at 4 Adamantiou Korai, 1016 Nicosia.